Locating on-street loading and unloading spaces by means of mixed integer programming





Urban freight transport, Loading/unloading places, Mixed integer programming, Facility location problem.


In an urban freight distribution system, determination of the number and location of loading-unloading places is required to regulate loading-unloading operations. This pa­per presents mathematical models for on-street loading-unloading space location based on set-covering problem and p-median problem formulations. The approaches was tested with real data: an area has 160 city blocks and 60 on-street loading-un­loading spaces, in Fortaleza, Brazil. We evaluated four scenarios considering different radius of influence of a loading/unloading spaces. The results indicate this approach has potential for achieving gains in terms of reduction of the distance between the clients and the loading and unloading places: considering that the average distance is a performance indicator (ratio between the total distance and the covered clients), a radius of influence of 400 meters has best relation (0.489) and all clients are covered. The results indicate that the model can be used by planners to allocate loading and unloading areas.


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How to Cite

Prata, B., Oliveira, L., & Holanda, T. (2018). Locating on-street loading and unloading spaces by means of mixed integer programming. TRANSPORTES, 26(1), 16–30. https://doi.org/10.14295/transportes.v26i1.1051


