Projeto ponto de partida: o ensino de projetos de rodovias através de uma abordagem lúdico-real-didática




Highway, Project, Educational Games, Key Performance Indicators, AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process).


The traditional teaching, based exclusively in expository lectures, transforms students in mere spectators of the teaching-learning process. Didactic and ludic activities are usual in children’s education, however still rare in higher education. This paper proposes a real didactic and ludic approach for the Highways course at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS –, named Starting Point Project. It also treats method, content, stages and evaluation aspects of the Project under the perspective of pedagogical propsal in engineering education.




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How to Cite

Garcia, D. S. P. (2017). Projeto ponto de partida: o ensino de projetos de rodovias através de uma abordagem lúdico-real-didática. TRANSPORTES, 25(3), 135–165.



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