Estudo de desempenho à fadiga de base cimentada tipo BGTC na BR-101/SE


  • Fernando Silva Albuquerque Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Rodrigo da Silva Nascimento Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes (DNIT-SE)



Cemented crushed stone, Accumulated damage, Shift factor.


The increase of stiffness to the pavement afford usual application of the cemented crushed stone (CCS) for the new pavements designs in Brazil. The increase of overall pavement stiffness reveals an advantage for high volume roads, can applied as a base or subbase, that is, in semi-rigid and inverted semi-rigid pavements, respectively. Perhaps, the major disadvantage of the CCS is its weak fatigue cracking process, which often causes accelerated damage to the pavement structure. On the present research, the fatigue life was determined in laboratory and calibrated with a laboratory-field factor extracted from the monitoring of the structural performance of the monitored section in BR-101/SE, by applying the cumulative damage principle of Hypothesis of Miner. It was also monitored and determined the evolution of the damage caused by the traffic action, as well as its influence in reducing the rigidity of this material over time, for a period of thirty-six months, which allowed calibrating a model that relates the rigidity of the layer to the accumulated damage.


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How to Cite

Albuquerque, F. S., & Nascimento, R. da S. (2018). Estudo de desempenho à fadiga de base cimentada tipo BGTC na BR-101/SE. TRANSPORTES, 26(1), 157–171.


