Uma análise empírica da padronização de frota de companhias aéreas e os efeitos de fatores operacionais


  • Rodolfo Romboli Narcizo Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
  • Alessandro Vinicius Marques de Oliveira Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica



Fleet management, Fuel costs, Technological innovation, Business strategy, Environmental policy.


This paper develops an econometric model to assess some of the determining factors of the fleet standardization strategies of airlines. Standardization is considered at the aircraft model level, after controlling for the effects of manufacturer and family standardization of flight equipment. The empirical model was estimated using Brazilian air transportation data and utilizes several operational variables, such as average aircraft size and fleet age, passenger flow per flight and number of served destinations. The effect of operating costs and demand factors are also incorporated into the model. The results point to a tendency towards greater standardization of the fleet in Brazil. However, increases in fuel costs may mitigate this trend by inducing a search for aircraft with more advanced technology and lower energy consumption. The research results have implications for corporate and public policies aimed at stimulating the efficient and sustainable management of the airline fleet in the country over the next few years.




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How to Cite

Narcizo, R. R., & Oliveira, A. V. M. de. (2018). Uma análise empírica da padronização de frota de companhias aéreas e os efeitos de fatores operacionais. TRANSPORTES, 26(3), 12–24.



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