Influência do modo de aplicação de carga nas propriedades de fratura de uma mistura asfáltica de agregados finos


  • Gustavo Adolfo Badilla Vargas COPPE/UFRJ
  • Alex Duarte Oliveira COPPE/UFRJ
  • Francisco Thiago Sacramento Aragão COPPE/UFRJ



Asphalt mixtures, Fracture properties, Cohesive zone model, Numerical simulations.


Among the different distresses that compromise the service life of asphalt mixtures, cracking is probably one of the most complexes and hard to be predicted. The cracking resistance of such materials is highly dependent of temperature and loading conditions. In this study, it was investigated the effects of loading conditions on the fracture parameters of a fine aggregate asphalt mixture, determined from simulations of semi-circular bending (SCB) tests. The SCB simulations were performed using the finite element method and the bilinear cohesive zone model, considering only the fracture mode I and three different loading configurations. The results (fracture energy, cohesive strength and Force-CTOD curves) demonstrated that the loading configuration exerts a significant influence on the fracture parameters and, consequently, on the applicability of this type of numerical-experimental procedure.


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How to Cite

Vargas, G. A. B., Oliveira, A. D., & Aragão, F. T. S. (2018). Influência do modo de aplicação de carga nas propriedades de fratura de uma mistura asfáltica de agregados finos. TRANSPORTES, 26(3), 39–50.



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