Avaliação de métodos de preparação de amostras de ligante asfáltico para caracterizações microestruturais no microscópio de força atômica


  • Thaísa Ferreira Macedo COPPE/UFRJ
  • Patrícia Hennig Osmari
  • Francisco Thiago Sacramento Aragão COPPE/UFRJ
  • Leni Figueiredo Mathias Leite COPPE/UFRJ
  • Renata Antoun Simão COPPE/UFRJ




Asphalt binder, Preparation methods, Atomic force microscope.


The atomic force microscope has been used for the microstructural characterization of asphalt binders from the identification of their constituent fractions. Moreover, recent studies have determined mechanical properties of the binder components, such as creep compliance and relaxation modulus, by indentation tests in the AFM. However, the preparation process of the samples used in these tests is generally not well described in the literature. This study aims to evaluate different preparation methods, employing topography images used for microstructural characterization. For that, microstructures of a binder obtained from samples prepared using different procedures were evaluated and the results contributed to identify the most optimized preparation process.


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How to Cite

Macedo, T. F., Osmari, P. H., Aragão, F. T. S., Leite, L. F. M., & Simão, R. A. (2018). Avaliação de métodos de preparação de amostras de ligante asfáltico para caracterizações microestruturais no microscópio de força atômica. TRANSPORTES, 26(3), 51–62. https://doi.org/10.14295/transportes.v26i3.1616



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