Waste foundry sand characterization as paving aggregate
Asphalt paving, Discarded foundry sand, Sustainability in construction, ReuseAbstract
Waste Foundry Sands (WFS) are by-products of the steel industry due to the foundry process. The residual material can be used in civil construction as an aggregate because of its mineral origin. This paper aimed to characterize the WFS obtained at two sources, using laboratory tests that are regularly required in highway engineering specifications. The laboratory program showed that the tests results satisfy the main specifications in Brazil. Laboratory tests results also show that WFS has characteristics that are similar to the manufactured sand that is usually used in asphalt pavement construction. It is concluded that the WFS could be used in asphalt pavement projects, as a subgrade reinforcement, sub-base or base layer and in asphalt wearing courses.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Paulo Paiva Dyer, Silvelene Alessandra Silva, Luis Miguel Gutierrez Klinsky, Gustavo Lauer Coppio, Maryangela Geimba de Lima

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