Evaluating the impacts of autonomous cars on the capacity of freeways in Brazil using the HCM-6 PCE methodology





Autonomous vehicles, Capacity, HCM-6, CAF, Simulation, Passenger-car equivalent


This paper analyses the factors that affect the impact of autonomous vehicles (AVs) on the capacity of a freeway in Brazil using an adaptation of the HCM-6 procedure for truck PCE estimation. A version of Vissim, recalibrated to represent traffic streams and AVs on Brazilian freeways, was used to simulate more than 25,000 scenarios representing combinations of traffic (e.g., AV fleets, AV platoons, percentage of AVs and of heavy goods vehicles) and road (grades and number of lanes) characteristics. AV impacts on capacity were evaluated by means of the capacity adjustment factor (CAF) and a model to estimate CAF from control variables was fitted and validated. The results indicate increases of up to 30% in capacity with 60% of platooning-capable AVs. Statistical analyses show that the fraction of AVs in the stream and the proportion of platooning-capable AVs are the factors with the greatest impact on this increase in capacity.


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How to Cite

Favero, R., & Setti, J. R. (2021). Evaluating the impacts of autonomous cars on the capacity of freeways in Brazil using the HCM-6 PCE methodology. TRANSPORTES, 29(2), 2444. https://doi.org/10.14295/transportes.v29i2.2444


