Spatial characterization of accessibility to formal and informal jobs of the low-income population in Fortaleza




Job accessibility, Informality, Socio-spatial inequalities


In Fortaleza, inequalities in job accessibility among different socioeconomic groups have increased. However, the impact of the informal labor market on these inequalities is unknown. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to spatially characterize the differences in levels of accessibility to formal and informal jobs of the low-income population in Fortaleza. First, the spatial distribution of low-income individuals was estimated, as well as the formal and informal jobs for this group. Then, the levels of accessibility for each type of employment were measured through the selection of an indicator that sought to incorporate the competition for the job opportunities. Finally, the differences were compared, seeking to assess how they vary across the territory. The analyses corroborated the hypothesis that the levels of accessibility to informal jobs are relatively better than to formal ones for the low-income population. It was also found that, among informally employed workers, domestic workers are subject to the worst levels of accessibility.


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How to Cite

Garcia Lopes Pinto, D. ., Grangeiro Loureiro, C. F. ., Franco Leite de Matos Sousa, F. ., & Motte-Baumvol, B. . (2022). Spatial characterization of accessibility to formal and informal jobs of the low-income population in Fortaleza. TRANSPORTES, 30(1), 2546.


