Extraction and recovery procedures of asphalt binders: a literature review





Extraction, Recovery, Asphalt binder, Literature review


There are several applied techniques to obtain asphalt binder from mixtures, whether produced in laboratory, plant, or aged, from milling courses (e.g. RAP). In addition to quality control/quality assurance, this procedures aim to completely recover the material, in order to characterize it and evaluate its properties. There are still disagreements among researchers regarding variations in asphalt binder intrinsic characteristics, after undergoing extraction and recovery procedures. This article approached different binder extraction techniques, and recovery techniques usually applied, and dicussed how the procedures and types of solvents can affect the chemical, physical and rheological properties of recovered binders. It was found that the use of n-propyl bromide (nPB) solvent and the blend of chlorinated solvents are the most advantageous alternatives among the evaluated solvents, besides the automated extraction (binder recovery) and ignition (content definition), and the recovery by rotavapor.


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How to Cite

S. Pinheiro, G. ., & Vasconcelos, K. (2022). Extraction and recovery procedures of asphalt binders: a literature review. TRANSPORTES, 30(1), 2580. https://doi.org/10.14295/transportes.v30i1.2580


