Urban Freight Transport measures in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region in recent decades





Urban freight transport, Urban planning, Urban policy, Urban freight transport measures


Several cities usually have constrained areas shared by people and freight vehicles. Then, public authorities manage urban space use conflicts by implementing measures to limit the negative impacts of freight activities, and some measures reveal other (political) reasons to take place. The measures are classified by infrastructure (ring roads, on-street parking and un/loading areas, pick-up points), governance (truck traffic control, zones, time-windows, preferred routes and urban tolls) and equipment (type of vehicles and alternative fuels). This study analyzes the Urban Freight Transport (UFT) management measures in São Paulo Metropolitan Area (SPMA). We made an in-depth analysis of UFT measures in SPMA from 1960 to 2020. We searched cities’ document databases and used Python routines to recognize and filter text information, then compared the emergence of measures with changes in the population, GDP, and fleet. We conclude that the off-street unloading/loading and restrictions to traffic are the most common measures implemented by the cities in SPMA over time. Most cities with high growth also increase the demand for UFT, leading to restrictions regarding large vehicles in the city center. Cities that are nearby São Paulo city and present the fastestgrowing truck fleet appear not to invest in having truck restrictions; usually, these cities attract warehouses and/or carriers from where the delivery in São Paulo city. Moreover, we found that public policies have not been coordinated among cities and that most measures are not assessed before implementing them.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, M. A. ., Vieira, J. G. V. ., Oliveira, R. L. M. de, & Junior, J. C. C. . (2023). Urban Freight Transport measures in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region in recent decades. TRANSPORTES, 31(2), e2785. https://doi.org/10.58922/transportes.v31i2.2785


