Characterizing the integrated use of shared bikes and buses in Fortaleza with big data of electronic ticketing




Bike-bus integration, Shared bikes, Big data


The integrated use of bicycles and public transit has attracted the academic community due to its potential of improving urban accessibility. Significative gains in access/egress should increase the attractiveness of the public transport mode, benefiting the economically least favored social segments. Studies on this theme are well developed and more significant in the North Global contexts, which use data from traditional (household-based) surveys in the characterization of such phenomenon. Aiming to overcome the inherent limitations of conventional survey methods and the low occurrence of these trips in the Brazilian context, this work presents a method using big data from operational records of the public transit and bicycle-sharing systems to characterize integrated trips. By means of a case study focused on Fortaleza, the proposed method proves to be advantageous in the identification of the integrated trips, allowing the analysis of a data set with large representability, hardly obtainable by traditional methods.


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How to Cite

Costa Lima, R. C., Siqueira, M. F., Loureiro, C. F. G., & Sousa, F. F. L. de M. (2023). Characterizing the integrated use of shared bikes and buses in Fortaleza with big data of electronic ticketing. TRANSPORTES, 31(2), e2814.


