Impact of speed bumps and raised crosswalks on passenger vehicles speed based on naturalistic data


  • Eduardo Cesar Amancio Institute for Research and Urban Planning of Curitiba, Curitiba, Paraná – Brazil / Curitiba University of Technology, Curitiba, Paraná – Brazil
  • Gabriele Tres Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná – Brazil
  • Manoela Branco Ehlke Silva Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná – Brazil
  • Paulo Roberto Guimarães Junior National Observatory for Road Safety, São José dos Campos, São Paulo – Brazil
  • Jorge Tiago Bastos Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná – Brazil



Deflexão vertical, Perfil de velocidade, Estudo naturalístico de direção, Moderação de tráfego


The implementation of speed bumps (SB) and raised crosswalks (RCW) has been a popular speed management strategy widely used in Brazil. Despite the imperative speed reduction imposed by such measures, little is known about the practical magnitude of this reduction or even about the speeds practiced in the segments before, during, and after passing through the device. The objective of this work was to evaluate the impact of SB and RCW on passenger vehicles speed practiced in their surroundings. The methodology included (i) the mapping of SB and RCW on structural, priority, and sectorial 1 and 2 roads of the road system in Curitiba (PR); (ii) collection and processing of instantaneous speed naturalistic data from a sample of drivers; (iii) elaboration of speed profiles in the segments before, during and after passing through the devices; (iv) application of criteria for excluding trips from the sample due to confounding factors; and (v) statistical analysis. The segments before, during, and after were defined as three Speed Analysis Ranges (SAR): 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The mean speed in SAR 2 was of the same magnitude as for SB and RCW (26 km/h), as well as for the variation of speed between the SAR 1 and 2 – a reduction about 43%. The speed in SAR 1 was higher on structural roads. Higher speed reductions between SAR 1 and 2 were found for roads with higher hierarchy. There were no statistically significant differences between the two devices for speed compliance distances less than or equal to 30 km/h or 40 km/h, though the average distance was 15.41% greater for 30 km/h and 5.57% higher for 40 km/h in the case of RCW. In terms of urban planning, such information can better support decisions about the implementation and positioning of the speed management device.


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How to Cite

Amancio, E. C., Tres, G. ., Branco Ehlke Silva, M., Roberto Guimarães Junior, P., & Tiago Bastos, J. (2023). Impact of speed bumps and raised crosswalks on passenger vehicles speed based on naturalistic data. TRANSPORTES, 31(2), e2832.


