Service level issue in emergency medical vehicle bases location




Facility Location, Service Level, Emergency Medical Service


This paper presents the rescue vehicle base location problem applied in Rio de Janeiro County west zone, considering not only the facilities location regarding to demand points, but also the amount of population that will be able to be served within predetermined service levels, with the objective of evaluating emergency care provided by emergency medical services in certain operating conditions. After the development and application of an optimization model that joins the service level offered to the facilities location problem, it can be noted the negative effects of undersized configurations and low-quality service delivery, making this system unable to attend on time, with high probabilities, the demand for care.


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How to Cite

Santos Fortes, L. E., Mattos Ribeiro, G., Bahiense, L., & González, P. H. (2023). Service level issue in emergency medical vehicle bases location. TRANSPORTES, 31(2), e2879.



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