Efficiency of Brazilian airport cargo terminals considering e-commerce and exogenous variable
Air cargo. Airport concession. E-commerce. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA).Abstract
The study evaluates the operational efficiency of air cargo logistics terminals (TECA) at Brazilian airports, considering the influence of e-commerce and exogenous variables. Since 2011, Brazil has started the concession of airports to private managers to improve infrastructure and efficiency, but there is little evidence of post-concession improvements. The method used is Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), in two scenarios: one considering all cargo handling and another only e-commerce. The temporal analysis investigated the relationship between efficiency and factors such as industrial GDP, exchange rate, population size, COVID-19 pandemic, and airport concessions. The results indicate that concessions do not necessarily improve the average efficiency of airports. Only some airports showed improvements in efficiency after the concession and before the pandemic. The efficiency of all TECAs was affected during the pandemic due to the reduction of the air network. Tobit regression showed that GDP and concession have a positive effect on efficiency, while the pandemic has a negative impact. Thus, it is concluded that although some concessions and infrastructure investments have led to improvements in the efficiency of terminals, many airports still face challenges, especially amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The expansion of e-commerce presents unique challenges for TECAs, requiring specific measures to optimize operational efficiency, highlighting the importance of considering internal and external factors in the assessment of TECA efficiency in Brazil.
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