Modelagem matemática para o problema de localização de centros de distribuição de empresa de alimentos


  • Cauê Sauter Guazzelli Universidade de São Paulo
  • Claudio Barbieri da Cunha



Optimization of logistic networks. Economies of scale. Location of distribution centers.


In this paper we propose a mathematical model for a real-world problem of locating distribution centers for a food industry in Latin America. Our model aims to properly represent the peculiarities of the logistics operation that are not usually considered in the scientific literature. More specifically we propose a mixed integer programming model that considers multiple products, multiple layers (with transfer between units of the same layer allowed), cross-docking points, capacity constraints and fixed and variable costs for facilities, as well as economies of scale due to the size of the distribution centers. The model aims to determine the best locations and sizes for these logistic facilities, as well as the transport flows among them, in order to minimize the total operating cost. We also present the results for real-world scenarios for the company, which reflect different levels of service and their associated costs. These outputs are compared to the base scenario, thus allowing trade-offs to be analyzed. The results allowed savings in operational costs up to 8.3%, with levels of services close to the actual ones. These outcomes are considered expressive given the low profit margins of the sector and the high logistics costs when compared to the final prices.


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How to Cite

Guazzelli, C. S., & da Cunha, C. B. (2014). Modelagem matemática para o problema de localização de centros de distribuição de empresa de alimentos. TRANSPORTES, 22(3), 86–102.


