

  • Helry Luvillany Fontenele Dias Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Bruno Vieira Bertoncini Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Mona Lisa Moura de Oliveira Universidade Estadual do Ceará
  • Francisco Sales Ávila Cavalcante Universidade Estadual do Ceará
  • Rinaldo dos Santos Araújo Instituto Federal de Educação do Ceará




Vehicle emissions, freight transport, dynamic collection.


This article is inserted on the study of emissions of air pollutants from the freight transport vehicles traffic in urban areas. The motivation for this research is due to the fact that the emission analyzes are generally performed in static state, not representing with adequate accuracy the behavior of emissions generated in a common path. Thus, was attempted to build an emission collection procedures that could be applied to the moving vehicle, considering the particularities of pollutants from diesel engines, commonly used in cargo trucks. For such, a system made up of existing equipment and other developed in the research was proposed. Such system is capable of performing, shipped on vehicle, the collection of pollutants released in the exhaust while the vehicle normally carries out its operations and movements, especially considering the major pollutants coming from diesel engines, such as NOx and Particulate Matter. The data collected indicate that the legislation is not being respected in terms of Particulate Matter, whose collected amount is above the reference.


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How to Cite

Fontenele Dias, H. L., Bertoncini, B. V., Moura de Oliveira, M. L., Ávila Cavalcante, F. S., & Araújo, R. dos S. (2015). . TRANSPORTES, 23(3), 18–25. https://doi.org/10.14295/transportes.v23i3.888


