




systematic review, logistics, transportation, supply chain.


The literature review is a research key stage in any field of science. The use of the Systematic Literature Review stands out in logistics and transportation, submitting a repeatable and auditable implementation process. However, SLR execution steps are not free from bias and subjectivity of the researcher. In face of these difficulties, this paper proposes the adoption of quality evaluation criteria while conducting the SLR to identify failures and to correct them. To demonstrate the applicability of the proposal, three case studies in logistics and transportation are evaluated. The application identified failures in the execution of SLR and pointed ways to correct them. It is highlighted that the proposed criteria are also useful for assessing the quality of narrative literature review.


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How to Cite

Loureiro, S. A., Noletto, A. P. R., da Silva Santos, L., Silva Santos Júnior, J. B., & Fontes Lima Júnior, O. (2016). TRANSPORTES, 24(1), 95–106. https://doi.org/10.14295/transportes.v24i1.919


