

  • Mateus Brito Gama Universidade de São Paulo
  • João Alexandre Widmer Universidade de São Paulo




distribution, hydrous ethanol, transportation economy, GIS, cost, energy.


This study aims to investigate the economic and energetic gains of direct distribution of hydrous ethanol in the state of São Paulo. Direct distribution means the direct delivery of the product from the distillery to the gas station, without the compulsory passage through a distribution base due to a legal statement. A cost and an energy consumption model to compare the scenarios were developed. The model results for the distribution chain costs show a potential gain of 47% over the present distribution model. This value corresponds to a potential gain of approximately 3% of the sales value of hydrous ethanol at the gas stations and probably has no influence over the product demand. It is also important to consider that direct delivery depends on the implementation of new storage structures at the distilleries, which would imply a reduction in the estimate of this potential gain during an initial period of investment amortization. The estimated annual gain of R$ 260 million, however, would represent a significant value if transferred to the end consumers once the investment in tankage is paid for. With respect to energy consumption, the results show a potential gain of 470 million MJ per year, with a gain of 28% over the present distribution model. Comparing the energy consumption values obtained in this research, with other values reported in the literature, one observes that there is not a consensus about the magnitude of this value among the authors, and also that the energy consumption in the distribution chain is relatively small when compared with the other stages of the sugar cane production chain. On the other side, the annual gain corresponds to the order of magnitude of a small city of approximately 40.000 inhabitants.


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Author Biographies

Mateus Brito Gama, Universidade de São Paulo


João Alexandre Widmer, Universidade de São Paulo

Departamento de Engenharia de Transportes

Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos


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How to Cite

Gama, M. B., & Widmer, J. A. (2015). . TRANSPORTES, 23(4), 13–20. https://doi.org/10.14295/transportes.v23i4.990



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