Avaliação de perfil longitudinal de pavimento de concreto de cimento Portland com perfilômetro inercial a laser


  • Fernando Silva Albuquerque Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Rodrigo Fábio Silva de Oliveira Universidade Federal de Sergipe




Longitudinal profile, Concrete pavement, Inertial laser profilometer.


The evaluation of the longitudinal profile in Portland Cement Concrete Pavements is very important, both for the quality control of roadworks, and to monitor the growth of roughness throughout its life cycle. The Inertial Laser Profilometer can be taken into account for this purpose. It provides high productivity and resolution less than 5 mm (depending on the speed). In this work, 09 segments of the BR-101/SE highway had taken as study case, all of them with different levels of profile quality. The profilograms and results of PI (profile index) and IRI (international roughness index) computed from the Inertial Laser Profilometer and California Profilograph (reference equipment) were compared for all the segments. From the study case, it was concluded that the profilograms have similar trend and they detect the same distresses that cause changes in roughness. The PI and IRI indexes from both equipments were statistically similar. Therefore, the Inertial Laser Profilome-ter is a great device to detect distresses that cause roughness in Portland Cement Concrete pavements. The device can be taken into account for longitudinal profile measurements and to evaluate roughness indexes for roadwork acceptance and monitoring IRI in the operating road.


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How to Cite

Albuquerque, F. S., & Oliveira, R. F. S. de. (2017). Avaliação de perfil longitudinal de pavimento de concreto de cimento Portland com perfilômetro inercial a laser. TRANSPORTES, 25(1), 82–92. https://doi.org/10.14295/transportes.v25i1.1138


