Otimização de equipamentos em obras de terraplanagem utilizando programação linear inteira


  • Bruna de Almeida Morais Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro
  • Viviane Adriano Falcão Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro




Earthmoving, Routing Problem, Equipment, Average Transport Distance.


Aiming to reduce earthwork expenses, many studies have approached ways to promote the decrease of the distances traveled by the hauling vehicles, finding optimal haul distances that meet the demand of the cut and fill sections. Others have even searched to find routes for the vehicles, so that their whole itinerary results on the smallest possible haul distance, but they have not considered the composition of the equipment fleet and the limitations each of them have. This work aims to reformulate the multiple vehicle routing model so that the ideal haul distance interval for each type of machinery was included in it. The new model was applied to a fictitious example for the purpose of validation, and the results demonstrated that the model is capable of attending different distance ranges, providing the optimal trajectory for diverse equipment.


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How to Cite

Morais, B. de A., & Falcão, V. A. (2019). Otimização de equipamentos em obras de terraplanagem utilizando programação linear inteira. TRANSPORTES, 27(4), 134–144. https://doi.org/10.14295/transportes.v27i4.1814


