A procedure for the evaluation of the resilience of transportation systems


  • Camila Maestrelli Leobons Instituto Militar de Engenharia
  • Vânia Barcellos Gouvêa Campos Instituto Militar de Engenharia
  • Renata Albergaria de Mello Bandeira Instituto Militar de Engenharia




Resilience. Transportation systems. Indicators


This paper proposes a resilience measure of transportation systems, which is related to their ability to reduce the impact on the movement of passengers and freight in a city after a climatic or man-made event that causes disturbances in these systems. A service interruption in a certain mode can lead to the overload other modes that, not being able to absorb, can impact the level of mobility in a city, causing considerable inconvenience to the population. In this context, indicators and indexes are important tools to monitor the level of resilience. Therefore, this study proposes a procedure to characterize the level of resilience of an urban transportation network, which integrates the different modes of transportation offered in the city and compares the resilience of the city’s zones. Finally, to confirm the applicability of the procedure created, the city of Rio de Janeiro is selected for the development of a case study.


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Author Biography

Camila Maestrelli Leobons, Instituto Militar de Engenharia

Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Transportes


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How to Cite

Leobons, C. M., Campos, V. B. G., & Bandeira, R. A. de M. (2020). A procedure for the evaluation of the resilience of transportation systems. TRANSPORTES, 28(3), 281–297. https://doi.org/10.14295/transportes.v28i3.2038


